With its three converging rivers—the St. Marys, St. Joseph and Maumee—the City of Fort Wayne takes outdoor recreation seriously. That’s why the Fort Wayne Public Works Division fuels with B20 to achieve cleaner air and a better environment for its citizens. B20 has reliably fueled essential city services, including transportation systems, leaf collection, street sweeping, snow and ice control, and solid waste removal for nearly two decades, helping them reach their operational goals within their budget.

City of Fort Wayne Fleet Director Larry Campbell loves his hometown. So when a fuel option that reduces emissions and allows for a cleaner-running municipal fleet came along, it was a no-brainer. Since making the easy transition to biodiesel without the need for any engine modifications, Larry and his fleet have been cruising clean with peak efficiency and top performance—all while creating a better future for Fort Wayne and its residents.

Fort Wayne Facts:

vehicles fueled with B20
gallons of B20 used during membership
tons of CO2e reduction during membership
carbon reduction equivalent to trees planted during membership
pounds of particulate reductions during membership
estimated health benefit provided during membership
years of B20 Club membership

“Biodiesel is the easiest thing we can do to reduce emissions. Makes it a no-brainer for me as a fleet director.”

Larry Campbell, Director of Fleet Operations

Want to learn more?

Contact us for more information about biodiesel and the B20 Club of Indiana.