The Department of Public Works supports Indianapolis by maintaining roads and street closures, the stormwater program, fleet services, and residential services. The department also offers winter safety tips and information about trash and recycling. Indianapolis Fleet Services, also known as IFS, is a division within the Department of Public Works that offers vehicle acquisition, maintenance, repair, and disposal services. IFS also oversees the maintenance of several fueling sites in the city, which offer a mixture of products, including gasoline, B20 biodiesel, propane, and E85 ethanol.

Indianapolis Facts:

“B20 biodiesel is a proven strategy for reducing tailpipe emissions and cutting carbon in the City of Indianapolis’ fleet. It’s easy to do and requires no modifications to our equipment. We proudly fuel more than 1,500 diesel vehicles on cleaner-burning, lower-carbon B20.”
Bill Rogers, Administrator, Fleet Services Division

Want to learn more?
Contact us for more information about biodiesel and the B20 Club of Indiana.